

Image result for angles
Some nice angles.


(Nothing here. Move along.)

Math class is the easiest class I have in my schedule. Right now, we're learning about percentages. I actually have multiple assignments in math, but they're on a website called Edulastic, so I can't add a link to all of my tests and work. My favorite lesson in Math that we've learned so far is Geometry. Angle is a good angel.
Update: The most recent project we've had in math so far is the car project. It's when we learn how to improve ourselves as better Honda dealers. Actually, the purpose of the project was to help us remember how to calculate the interest rate and balance but that's not too important s o / //

Math 8 (ewe)


(Everything is in Edulastic, so I don't really have anything to show.)

Wowie, 8th-grade math am I right? Well, anyway. We've been learning about scientific notation. It's basically a type of equation used for long numbers and small numbers. It's really boring though. I already understand most of the topic, but of course, we have to have a test.
I mean, it could be worse. So I'm not going to complain.
However, I do have a friend there named Amanda// I mean Armando who helps me out in math, and vise versa.


Image result for periodic table
This is the periodic table. nOBLE GAS iS STABLE
An assignment we did involving the states of matter.

A project that I'm proud of.

I was recently enrolled in Science honors; so far, I like it a lot. Many of the projects we do there are really exciting, and learning about how to perfect our observation skills is great. I think one thing I still get upset about is that Mrs. Olivas only gives A+ to those have a percentage of 99% and higher, and I have 98.7%. hA not anymore previous me because now I have an A+ HAh shut up seventh grade me can you not be narcissistic for like one second you're so stupid
Update: In science, we're learning more about the Periodic table, and atoms. I've really enjoyed this unit, especially when we made an entire poster on one element. I could talk about all the things that we've learned in Science, but that's boring so I won't.

Science 8


Brain Plasticity Project
A group assignment I did with Christabella, Daniel, Hannah, Natalia, and Sara.

Brain Plasticity Model
A clay model I did during class with my table group (I've linked their blogs).

Oh boy. Do I have a lot of tea// information for you about Science.
Science is going really quickly, and we've had a lot of tests. So far, we've learned about units of measurement and the parts and functions of the brain. aLSO, THERE ARE LIKE A MILLION QUESTIONS PER PRETEST AND ONCE SHE ACCIDENTALLY MADE THE TEST TIMED AND THAT STRESSED ME OUT SO M UCH///

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