[October 19, 2018]
Ah Yes; Our Twenty Percent Time Project
(Whoah so Eloisa what's your project about?
Elevator Pitch which was supposed to be thirty seconds lol xd: We are doing a series of paintings using different medias. There will be twelve paintings in total, with each media being combined. The last picture we are doing will combine every painting we have done previously. Some ideas we have for our series to be based on are color schemes, photographs, and other artists. Our project will show artists how practicing and challenging yourself can improve your skills. We have most resources that need to be provided for our project. This project is to expand our painting skills and let us experiment.)
The Sparkling Notes of a Trumpet Fanfare |
The time has come; to do our 20% time project.
I'm really excited, because for my 20% time project I'm pairing up with my great homeboy, my twin, the person who people always have mistaken me for, Christabella Calderon.
So before I can elaborate more on what we're planning on doing, let's do some reflections:
Wow look a really nice transition rawr
Before actually beginning our 20% time project, I was really nervous about this. I don't know, but it was at first very uncomfortable for me to think about a project that didn't necessarily have a due date. Sure, it technically has a due date of the end of the year, but we're basically are just going to present what we did for our 20% time, by presenting it in TED talk form. We could literally be continuing this project until college, and then slam through Lorbeer's preschooler doors and be like:
Wow look a really nice transition rawr
Before actually beginning our 20% time project, I was really nervous about this. I don't know, but it was at first very uncomfortable for me to think about a project that didn't necessarily have a due date. Sure, it technically has a due date of the end of the year, but we're basically are just going to present what we did for our 20% time, by presenting it in TED talk form. We could literally be continuing this project until college, and then slam through Lorbeer's preschooler doors and be like:
For Starters, why would we choose painting?
If you don't know, painting was never my strength. I always messed up because I either used the wrong color, used too much paint, or too little paint. Just to sum it up, I'm bad. So, I guess that's kind of why Christabella and I chose paintings. We're both not the best at it, so we both want to improve our skills by experimenting with different types of medias, so we can make fun of each other of how bad both of us are at painting. Just some good wholesome memes. (let me quickly elaborate on "painting". Christabella's weakness is watercolor, while my weakness is acrylic)
What If??
What if we don't finish our project by the end of the semester? What if we mess up? What if we fail? Those are just a few of the questions I've asked myself everytime we do 20% time. But I'm pretty sure the outcome of our project will be much better than we expect. Yeah, 12 paintings is a lot, so I'm lowkey hoping just to finish at least 7 paintings.
Elevator Pitch
Just one word: S U C C E S S !
We succeeded, and I'm so glad, because I swear if our idea was rejected we'd probably be stumped because that was our golden idea. However, I kind of got a story for this section so wear your seatbelts because we're going on a rollercoaster of emotions.
My feelings varied, because one, I was really nervous because cHRISTABELLA HAD MOCK TRIAL AND I HAD TO PRESENT THE ELEVATOR PITCH BY MYSELF// I was also really upset at myself because I literally practiced for three days in a row, and then when the final day came to present my brain just// it just// l ef t. But luckily I prayed to my almighty god Jesus himself and he gave me back my memories. So I presented our elevator pitch, but I went at the speed of light. So that's one thing to regret.
What If??
What if we don't finish our project by the end of the semester? What if we mess up? What if we fail? Those are just a few of the questions I've asked myself everytime we do 20% time. But I'm pretty sure the outcome of our project will be much better than we expect. Yeah, 12 paintings is a lot, so I'm lowkey hoping just to finish at least 7 paintings.
Elevator Pitch
Just one word: S U C C E S S !
We succeeded, and I'm so glad, because I swear if our idea was rejected we'd probably be stumped because that was our golden idea. However, I kind of got a story for this section so wear your seatbelts because we're going on a rollercoaster of emotions.
My feelings varied, because one, I was really nervous because cHRISTABELLA HAD MOCK TRIAL AND I HAD TO PRESENT THE ELEVATOR PITCH BY MYSELF// I was also really upset at myself because I literally practiced for three days in a row, and then when the final day came to present my brain just// it just// l ef t. But luckily I prayed to my almighty god Jesus himself and he gave me back my memories. So I presented our elevator pitch, but I went at the speed of light. So that's one thing to regret.
[October 26, 2018]
M e n t o r s (Mentos but same thing)
*Eloisa bit her lip in anticipation, and looked at her chromebook, excitedly typing to the soon to delete my email mentor*
"H E R R O/"
Okay so that little part above me probably made zero sense, and if that's so then good because that's the approach I'm going for. Spontaneous screaming and then silence.
So we have a week to find one or more mentors to help guide us for our 20% time project. We're supposed to send an email to the mentor (they first have to be approved by Ms. Hefler/Mrs. Crutchfield), but we already have a format of the email we're supposed to send, so yeah that's cool.
Okay, not the interesting part because who wants to read an entire section of me talking about how nervous I am about emailing some person. So let's talk about something that people would be slightly more interested in.
Mentor Possibilities
During History and English, Christabella and I were discussing what mentors we should email. And so far, we literally only have two people that we've found that we think are suitable to help us out. Our search for mentors consisted of us searching up this:
"a good painter who paints stuff real good"
"no i dont want a painter named salvador dali because he's dead"
"no i dont want salvador dali's death date"
"a professional painter"
"no i dont need my walls to be painted i like my walls green and mean"
Kasey Golden
Kasey Golden is an artist who mainly focuses on watercolor, but will occasionally test out different medias. She also draws a lot of cartoons and has a series called "500 Prompts". hER CARTOONS ARE EVERYTHING NO SERIOUSLY CHECK HER OUT. SHE A CARTOON GOD//
Here's her about section because I don't know how to describe things well (because yolo english lol x d)
"Hiya! My name is Kasey and I mostly focus on watercolor illustrations but sometimes I like to sew! I upload three times a week! Wowwie!"
Daria Callie
I DONT KNOW IF JESUS TOOK MY WHEEL (OKAY CHRISTABELLA LOL XD) BUT LIKE THIS GIRL'S ART IS GODLY? Her artistic abilities in oil paints is amazing, and I advise you to check her out.
"a good painter who paints stuff real good"
"no i dont want a painter named salvador dali because he's dead"
"no i dont want salvador dali's death date"
"a professional painter"
"no i dont need my walls to be painted i like my walls green and mean"
[November 2, 2018]
Results and Emailing LOL XD:Kasey Golden
Kasey Golden is an artist who mainly focuses on watercolor, but will occasionally test out different medias. She also draws a lot of cartoons and has a series called "500 Prompts". hER CARTOONS ARE EVERYTHING NO SERIOUSLY CHECK HER OUT. SHE A CARTOON GOD//
Here's her about section because I don't know how to describe things well (because yolo english lol x d)
"Hiya! My name is Kasey and I mostly focus on watercolor illustrations but sometimes I like to sew! I upload three times a week! Wowwie!"
Daria Callie
I DONT KNOW IF JESUS TOOK MY WHEEL (OKAY CHRISTABELLA LOL XD) BUT LIKE THIS GIRL'S ART IS GODLY? Her artistic abilities in oil paints is amazing, and I advise you to check her out.
This is Daria's about section, so let me just copy it and type it on here lot xd:
"I'm an oil painter/artist. On this channel I post painting and drawing time-lapses, painting tutorials, and other art-related videos."
Also because I have nothing else to do before I post this on my blog, here's the emails we sent to both of the artists (Kasey Golden - October 30, 2018) (Daria Callie - November 2, 2018)
Daria's Email (Subject: 20% Time Project, Oil Paintings!)
Hello, our names are Eloisa B. and Christabella C, and we're eighth grade students attending Lorbeer Middle School. We are working on a 20% Time project about making a series of paintings using different media, including oil paints. A 20% project is when we are given one day to work on a project of our choice. We found your information on Youtube, and found your website as well, and we're very inspired by your artwork. Would you have time to evaluate our project two times- once after we've completed some work, and again at the end of assignment? If you are available, we are able to send you a copy of our project for your feedback. Our emails are (BEEP AND BEEP BECAUSE Y'ALL PROBABLY KNOW OUR EMAILS AND WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO KNOW STALKERS LOL) We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time!
Eloisa B. and Christabella C.
Kasey Golden (Subject 20% Time Project, Watercolor Paintings!)
Christabella C. and Eloisa B.
So.. Eloisa did you get an yt h in g///
Well I mean we haven't got a response from Daria Callie because we sent that email to her like 5 seconds ago but we dIDN'T GET ANYTHING FROM KASEY GOLDEN BECAUSE WE SUCK AND I DON'T THINK ANYONE WANTS TO MENTOR TWO YEAR OLDS. Yes that was supposed to be a butthurt sentence because like I need to embrace the butthurt side of myself.
But yeah we haven't gotten a response and I don't really expect one so lol yeah.
Well at least you have a back up plan El ois //
No, we don't have a back-up plan we literally have only emailed two people because we're two-year-old gremlins who need guidance from god-like people who are too good for us// Yes self-deprecation is the best method to try and connect with the viewers. I don't know leave me alone I'm 13 and I still listen to Crawling in my Crawl from time to time.
Here some of the few things I was thinking about when I saw this email.
So the good thing about our mentor is that she's an art god, but you already know that so let me elaborate on that because I mean I have to stay focused on something before I ramble (see the next paragraphs below). So Daria Callie is a god in art, ESPECIALLY in oil paints. And we're really inexperienced in oil paints (can we just say literally every media in existence because lol). So now we can get some good feedback from a god like her.
I'm going to add some pictures of what kind of godly art she has because like lol.
I then texted Christabella, and both us released our true gremlins and started screaming dysfunctionally. I have the entire conversation, but I don't think you guys would like to read that because that's gross and stalkerish. Okay, maybe I'll add it. Maybe. Because like I don't have anything better to do and the best thing I can do is portray myself as a freak. I mean, I think you guys saw that from a mile away, but like whatever, I do what I want. I don't really know where this point was going, but it's valid.
So I decided that I'm NOT going to add in the conversation we had because I want to keep a neutral reputation around here. Actually, that doesn't matter no one is going to read this except for the teachers because it's mandatory for them (IT'S NOT SHADE I SWEAR IT'S JUST FACTS??).
I swear that was one of my longest rambles on here what/////
Yes, seriously we're gremlins. If you saw me, the first thing you would think of is "gremlin?"
"I'm an oil painter/artist. On this channel I post painting and drawing time-lapses, painting tutorials, and other art-related videos."
Also because I have nothing else to do before I post this on my blog, here's the emails we sent to both of the artists (Kasey Golden - October 30, 2018) (Daria Callie - November 2, 2018)
Daria's Email (Subject: 20% Time Project, Oil Paintings!)
Hello, our names are Eloisa B. and Christabella C, and we're eighth grade students attending Lorbeer Middle School. We are working on a 20% Time project about making a series of paintings using different media, including oil paints. A 20% project is when we are given one day to work on a project of our choice. We found your information on Youtube, and found your website as well, and we're very inspired by your artwork. Would you have time to evaluate our project two times- once after we've completed some work, and again at the end of assignment? If you are available, we are able to send you a copy of our project for your feedback. Our emails are (BEEP AND BEEP BECAUSE Y'ALL PROBABLY KNOW OUR EMAILS AND WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO KNOW STALKERS LOL) We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time!
Eloisa B. and Christabella C.
Kasey Golden (Subject 20% Time Project, Watercolor Paintings!)
Christabella C. and Eloisa B.
So.. Eloisa did you get an yt h in g///
Well I mean we haven't got a response from Daria Callie because we sent that email to her like 5 seconds ago but we dIDN'T GET ANYTHING FROM KASEY GOLDEN BECAUSE WE SUCK AND I DON'T THINK ANYONE WANTS TO MENTOR TWO YEAR OLDS. Yes that was supposed to be a butthurt sentence because like I need to embrace the butthurt side of myself.
But yeah we haven't gotten a response and I don't really expect one so lol yeah.
When people have mentors and you don't so you just have to: |
No, we don't have a back-up plan we literally have only emailed two people because we're two-year-old gremlins who need guidance from god-like people who are too good for us// Yes self-deprecation is the best method to try and connect with the viewers. I don't know leave me alone I'm 13 and I still listen to Crawling in my Crawl from time to time.
[November 9, 2018]
Christabella was originally going to one-up me by explaining the process of emailing, but we"VE STOPPED DROPPED AND ROLLED ON THE FLOOR BECAUSE DARIA CALLIE REPLIED AND NOW SHE'S OUR MENTOR????
Okay so she didn't reply like right now, she replied days ago. But I delayed adding this news to my blog because I'm lazy and I need to have a deadline if I'm going to complete/add something. I originally checked on the email on the weekend and saw her reply, which was around like 11 in the morning.
My Exact Reaction to The Email |
Here some of the few things I was thinking about when I saw this email.
So the good thing about our mentor is that she's an art god, but you already know that so let me elaborate on that because I mean I have to stay focused on something before I ramble (see the next paragraphs below). So Daria Callie is a god in art, ESPECIALLY in oil paints. And we're really inexperienced in oil paints (can we just say literally every media in existence because lol). So now we can get some good feedback from a god like her.
I'm going to add some pictures of what kind of godly art she has because like lol.
I then texted Christabella, and both us released our true gremlins and started screaming dysfunctionally. I have the entire conversation, but I don't think you guys would like to read that because that's gross and stalkerish. Okay, maybe I'll add it. Maybe. Because like I don't have anything better to do and the best thing I can do is portray myself as a freak. I mean, I think you guys saw that from a mile away, but like whatever, I do what I want. I don't really know where this point was going, but it's valid.
So I decided that I'm NOT going to add in the conversation we had because I want to keep a neutral reputation around here. Actually, that doesn't matter no one is going to read this except for the teachers because it's mandatory for them (IT'S NOT SHADE I SWEAR IT'S JUST FACTS??).
I swear that was one of my longest rambles on here what/////
Real Life Footage of Two Gremlins |
Which, I think is a good idea. I just hope I'll be able to add in my own touches to it later on because yeah. I might add some small doodles in my background, and try to stay in the same color scheme as the background (I might change the color of the person's outfit to cooler colors).
I could also maybe contrast the background by making it a cool colored scheme, and make the person all warm colored scheme. Which could also work, since a person's skin color is already a warm color.
Just a little brainstorming on here, but I'm really excited to add my own touches to this project and then cry later on because I should have stuck with the original colors of the images. :)
mAYBE EVEN, darken the background (by adding some black), and then lightening the person by adding some white. I'm still adding the doodles though. Doodles are like my signature thing.
(give me photo credits - Christabella asking for this for the five millionth time, i can't BEElieve you've done this)
[November 16, 2018] and Christabella loves Mariah Carey Too Much
Wow, so I don't really know what to talk about, besides our twenty percent time project slide. I know we actually worked on that like two weeks ago, but like shut up, I need something to talk about, so I postponed talking about the slide. So yeah now you can hear me talk about something that was supposed to be talked about like two weeks ago. :>
So this slide shows all of the artists get inspired by often. I contributed by adding Vexx and Tamaytka. I really like these two, because one the art they create is godly, and two they're godly themselves (that doesn't mean the artists on the slide above aren't godly either, just talking about my contribution to the slide).
I know that the title and pictures are self explanatory, but like shut up I need to elaborate on everything because this is blogger and I don't know what else to do on blogger besides explain things that are already explainable. So like yeah. Did I just analyze myself? Find out next on your favorite show, "20% of my time goes to singing Mariah Carey".
If you can notice, we didn't choose a specific guy because like guys are hard to draw (we just choose girls beacuse like what>). I don't know, whenever I see a girl I'm like "cool", but when I see a guy I'm like "that's g ros s ". It's just hard to draw guys, which is why we prefer to draw girls than guys. And if I were to draw a guy, it'll probably be in cartoon form. Drawing a realistic guy is just one of the hardships I'll never overcome. So yeah that's my mini-rant.
Once again, this slide is super self-explanatory, but once again, I need to explain to this stuff because I have nothing better to do. Also (SHUT UP GRAMM ARL Y) Christabella told me to credit her amazing photography (let's leave it like that) stuff so like yeah (This is a message from the icon and legend itself, Barry Bee Benson. Christabella's iconic photography skills bring tears to my little bee eyes. The amazing value she holds and the true potential of her raw talent and emotion just makes me buzz buzz buzz. xoxo, Barry Bee Benson).
These photos are going to help us get ideas of what backgrounds we want to add onto our paintings, and we might combine some of this stuff together, like the people and the backgrounds (Aye, fam, what up. I'm a cool kid now. "I wish that I could be like the cool kids, cause all the cool kids they seem to fit innnnnnnnnnnnnn." loves and curses, the infamous Lauren.) (My message is bee-tter - Barry Bee Benson).
I'm really excited to like combine these things together, and add a little of my artistic preferences (Follow Daniel H, Perod 6(insert link) (My message still conquers the beehive - Barry Bee Benso).
So this is one of the last concepts we have (well, so far) in the 20% time slide. We decided to put some of our favorite songs in, and I might put in some songs later, so I'll probably be constantly updating this slide a lot/// These songs are going to help us come up with more ideas for our paintings. Also the songs I contributed are the Demxntia songs and the one Cavetown song. And obviously, I listen to these songs often because. Yes.
[November 30, 2018], Ava is the reincarnation of Mariah Carey
So, Christabella let me screenshot her painting references, so let me just insert it on here.
(Insert the thing here but not now because we gotta add that at home)
So Christabella has these acrylics she got, and tested them out at home (she told me a lot of adventurous things she did while testing out these acrylics, such as dropping one of them and then having to retrieve it back by going under the couch). Pretty fun I must say, even though I was just being told about the experience, and not even actually experiencing it. Okay, away with my ramble, and back to the actual project.
So at the moment, we're sketching out our first painting, and Christabella and I decided that we combine the two images from the slides, being these two:
Which, I think is a good idea. I just hope I'll be able to add in my own touches to it later on because yeah. I might add some small doodles in my background, and try to stay in the same color scheme as the background (I might change the color of the person's outfit to cooler colors).
I could also maybe contrast the background by making it a cool colored scheme, and make the person all warm colored scheme. Which could also work, since a person's skin color is already a warm color.
Just a little brainstorming on here, but I'm really excited to add my own touches to this project and then cry later on because I should have stuck with the original colors of the images. :)
mAYBE EVEN, darken the background (by adding some black), and then lightening the person by adding some white. I'm still adding the doodles though. Doodles are like my signature thing.
(give me photo credits - Christabella asking for this for the five millionth time, i can't BEElieve you've done this)
There's also this, where it was me "Taking an advantage of the situation and draing Filthy Frank".
It was basically me making a bunch of concepts of how our background should look like, with the additional Filthy Franks on the center, because I'm like that.
This is a really short entry to this post, but I don't really know what else to add besides my brainstorming stuff on our paintings.
[December 7, 2018] "no clue" "say something im giving up on you"
W h y H e l l o T h e r e .
Christabaella just added our whole conversation involving both of us naming our blogger titles, and I'm quite proud.
So today Christabella and I both (last minute) went to Michaels to purchase some paints and brushes. We also purchased canvas, but that's a thing that we know that exists. What/
We literally just asked our mom's about it and they just flopped. Yee. So yeah we went to Michaels and it was pretty great.
Well, that was our adventure. Our very fun adventure. Again, all photos are credited to Christabella, which you can find by yourself because I'm not inserting a link to her blogger because I'm not going to. Yes, I'm a very nice eighth grader. >:]
So today Christabella and I both (last minute) went to Michaels to purchase some paints and brushes. We also purchased canvas, but that's a thing that we know that exists. What/
We literally just asked our mom's about it and they just flopped. Yee. So yeah we went to Michaels and it was pretty great.
Here's actual footage of us getting paints. Also, Christabella wanted me to tell you guys that these are the pictures she took, so yeah. All photos are taken by Christabella because she'll probably smack me if I don't credit her. Anyway (again).
We went to Michaels because we were going to get colors that would fit the person we're going to draw (remember that model that I showed the pictures of? Yep, that model :>)
So we got certain colors for the skin, hair, and clothes. Most of them were warm colors. Actually, all of them were warm colors, except for the one blue we got. But that was for the highlights, along with the background. It was a really fun adventure, which I will provide pictures for along with some short descriptions because I need my blog to cool. Yeet.
We went to Michaels because we were going to get colors that would fit the person we're going to draw (remember that model that I showed the pictures of? Yep, that model :>)
So we got certain colors for the skin, hair, and clothes. Most of them were warm colors. Actually, all of them were warm colors, except for the one blue we got. But that was for the highlights, along with the background. It was a really fun adventure, which I will provide pictures for along with some short descriptions because I need my blog to cool. Yeet.
This is me being the iconic role model I am. Jk h a h
#MildVandalism? #Noitisnt #Nowitis
And here we are, with the wild gremlins in their habitat.
Here I am, listening to "No Mercy", otherwise known as maybe I'll be tracer,
I wanna be tracer. Also there's Christabella being disappointed in me, but
what's new.
Last photo from Michaels. There's us showing our gang signs along
with getting some canvas. There's also my Starbucks frappuccino, which is also
a sprite in a Mcdonald's cup. But that doesn't matter, because McDonalds and
Starbucks are the same thing in another universe.
Well, that was our adventure. Our very fun adventure. Again, all photos are credited to Christabella, which you can find by yourself because I'm not inserting a link to her blogger because I'm not going to. Yes, I'm a very nice eighth grader. >:]
[December 14, 2018] "Daniel is an egg"
Today, we actually began our painting! Can you believe that? Procrastinators actually taking some action? Maybe today is a special occasion and Faith decided to look upon us and was like "Yeah sure".
Okay, well, so we decided to make our background a gradient, with like pastel blue and pink. Making the background purposefuly aesthetic-like because that's cool? No. Just because we can? Probably.
Here's another system we just naturally came up with. Christabella is the genius paint mixer, who creates the colors for me, while I am just the painter. Sometimes we'll switch positions from time to time, but that's our most used system in painting. I n t e r e s t i n g ?
Y e e t.
Okay, well, so we decided to make our background a gradient, with like pastel blue and pink. Making the background purposefuly aesthetic-like because that's cool? No. Just because we can? Probably.
So that's me, my gremlin-like self casually just painting the clouds. We kind of had a system while painting the background, Christabella did the little blue, and I did the little pink. After we painted it, I started using my blending skills to high volume and blend it. It looks pretty good, don't you think?
Here's another system we just naturally came up with. Christabella is the genius paint mixer, who creates the colors for me, while I am just the painter. Sometimes we'll switch positions from time to time, but that's our most used system in painting. I n t e r e s t i n g ?
Y e e t.
[January 11, 2019] "Wowee look at me, I did something for once"
Wow, look at that. It's the end of winter break. *sad cries in the corner*
Well, I decided to be a little productive during the winter break, and make a painting.
So I made a painting based off of primary colors, and black. Because yeet.
I colored the background the of my painting of the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and then outlined it with black paint.
I didn't really know what to put in the painting, so I just added a weird blob with little doodles within the blob. I just tinted (adding white to a hue = color) the primary colors. Then again, I outlined the blob with black.
It only took two days, which is very surprising, but yeah, I'm proud of the results. I just felt a little anxious that we only had one painting, so I just. F l o p p e d .
Here's the finished product, in which we have named after my wonderful friend Daniel.
I'm planning on making more bonus paintings in the future, because I want to try and do some of my own experiments during this 20 time. Anyway, that's all I have from the winter break. :,)
I'll probably have more ideas in the future, but it'll probably come later on (perhaps in a week or two).
Well, I decided to be a little productive during the winter break, and make a painting.
So I made a painting based off of primary colors, and black. Because yeet.
I colored the background the of my painting of the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and then outlined it with black paint.
I didn't really know what to put in the painting, so I just added a weird blob with little doodles within the blob. I just tinted (adding white to a hue = color) the primary colors. Then again, I outlined the blob with black.
It only took two days, which is very surprising, but yeah, I'm proud of the results. I just felt a little anxious that we only had one painting, so I just. F l o p p e d .
Here's the finished product, in which we have named after my wonderful friend Daniel.
Here he is, my wonderful boy. IWANT TO SEE MY LITTLE BOY HERE HE COMES
I'm planning on making more bonus paintings in the future, because I want to try and do some of my own experiments during this 20 time. Anyway, that's all I have from the winter break. :,)
I'll probably have more ideas in the future, but it'll probably come later on (perhaps in a week or two).
[January 18, 2019] "s TO P"
Look at that, we're making progress!
So continuing our collaboration painting, we decided to change our idea of painting a model (because people are q u i t e difficult to dr aw) to painting a jellyfish. Much more simple for us little gremlins, right?
So we decided to do a warm colored jellyfish (using colors such as red, orange and yellow), so it could contrast with the light background (little blues and pinks). Since reds, oranges, and yellows are pretty brash, I think the results will be pretty good. Just look at a jellyfish. They're so adorable, we couldn't resist. Which is why we completely abandoned the idea of painting a person, so there's that.
I sketched the jellyfish in, and we're using this little boy as a reference.
We're also planning ahead, and we might add stingrays to our paintings as well. But we're going to make them a little small, since we don't want them to take too much attention away from the jellyfish. >:)
I'm excited to see where this painting might go. So yeah.
So continuing our collaboration painting, we decided to change our idea of painting a model (because people are q u i t e difficult to dr aw) to painting a jellyfish. Much more simple for us little gremlins, right?
So we decided to do a warm colored jellyfish (using colors such as red, orange and yellow), so it could contrast with the light background (little blues and pinks). Since reds, oranges, and yellows are pretty brash, I think the results will be pretty good. Just look at a jellyfish. They're so adorable, we couldn't resist. Which is why we completely abandoned the idea of painting a person, so there's that.
I sketched the jellyfish in, and we're using this little boy as a reference.
We're also planning ahead, and we might add stingrays to our paintings as well. But we're going to make them a little small, since we don't want them to take too much attention away from the jellyfish. >:)
I'm excited to see where this painting might go. So yeah.
[January 25, 2019] "Christabella don't sing that for the talent show please"
Right now, I'm making two paintings. Well, bonus paintings. I've had a sudden energy spark recently, so I'm taking this as an advantage to paint a bunch of stuff for the 20% time. I'm still using acrylics, but I'm hoping to do watercolors or oil paints sooner or later. I've been discussing it with my parents, and they said we could buy some oil paints later on if I wanted.
My two ideas are this:
A sunset (consisting of purple, red-purple, orange, and yellow-orange, yellow which I'm going to bleng because I am the blend(er)ing master), and then a shadow of some mountains and a tree. But I'm too lazy to draw leafs, so I'm just drawing branches. Cool, right?
A random person wearing a sunhat (I think that's what it's called? Fashionistas don't come after me please), and maybe just blend in random colors in the background. I might tint them so they don't take away too much attention from the person in the painting. Yeetus.
Okay, enough about my stuff, Christabella just told me to add on my blog that her dad spilled a drink on her bonus painting (yes we both are doing bonus stuff because why not) and she's really upset about it. Press F to pay respects to the bonus painting of Christabella. (My dad thinks I don't know it's him, but w h o else could it be except for the gravy master himself - CHrisTaBella) (W OW)
Okay, returning to our collaboration painting.
We just started painting the jellyfish (after I sketched the pretty boy). We're painting the first top of the jellyfish, and just working our way down. I know we did this a week ago, but I kind of just wanted to discuss all of our jellyfish progress on one reflection, because it's fun in a way.
So yeah we are using warm colors, but we're making them a little dull so they won't be too brash for the painting. So we kind of mixed them with some neutral colors (tITAnIuM WhiTE??) (GreY). It looks a little too dull, but I won't complain.
Right now we're doing the strings of the jellyfish, which are a little reddish brown.
Christabella did the genius thing of watering down one of our colors, so the strings of the jellyfish are like a light gradient, which I love (a lot). But we kind of had to watch out since some of the water would pull a sneaky on us and just spILL.
My two ideas are this:
A sunset (consisting of purple, red-purple, orange, and yellow-orange, yellow which I'm going to bleng because I am the blend(er)ing master), and then a shadow of some mountains and a tree. But I'm too lazy to draw leafs, so I'm just drawing branches. Cool, right?
A random person wearing a sunhat (I think that's what it's called? Fashionistas don't come after me please), and maybe just blend in random colors in the background. I might tint them so they don't take away too much attention from the person in the painting. Yeetus.
Okay, enough about my stuff, Christabella just told me to add on my blog that her dad spilled a drink on her bonus painting (yes we both are doing bonus stuff because why not) and she's really upset about it. Press F to pay respects to the bonus painting of Christabella. (My dad thinks I don't know it's him, but w h o else could it be except for the gravy master himself - CHrisTaBella) (W OW)
Okay, returning to our collaboration painting.
We just started painting the jellyfish (after I sketched the pretty boy). We're painting the first top of the jellyfish, and just working our way down. I know we did this a week ago, but I kind of just wanted to discuss all of our jellyfish progress on one reflection, because it's fun in a way.
So yeah we are using warm colors, but we're making them a little dull so they won't be too brash for the painting. So we kind of mixed them with some neutral colors (tITAnIuM WhiTE??) (GreY). It looks a little too dull, but I won't complain.
Right now we're doing the strings of the jellyfish, which are a little reddish brown.
Christabella did the genius thing of watering down one of our colors, so the strings of the jellyfish are like a light gradient, which I love (a lot). But we kind of had to watch out since some of the water would pull a sneaky on us and just spILL.
[February 1, 2019] "A Barry Bee a day keeps the doctor away"
Shhh, I know no one uses that phrase, but the actual one. Though, this would be a way better phrase to use other than "an apple away keeps the doctor away", because yeah.
I've been sick recently, which is why I've been delaying my blogging for like 6 months after we actually blog. Good thing I've got my partner who actually does the work (and good as well), so I can just snatch their images like how she snatches my career.
So today this week we made a b u n c h of progress to our jellyfish.
This is how we started out, as musty as how I look when I wake up for school (jk lol our painting was beautiful except I'm not joking about how I look in the morning)
(Oh, I also did the genius thing of zooming in on Christabella's face)
And then, this is how it ended up looking in the end (much more beautiful xd) after we tweaked it and added more detail/shading into the painting. Like, how I look when I get out of school, or the weekend.
Complaining about school on a blog in which all my peers can see along with my teachers, who work at the school, yet I'm keeping this in anyway? Yeah. Petty? Perhaps. Irresponsible? Maybe. Disrespectful? Sure.
But do I care?
We started off by cleaning our very musty looking palette that also had our son Timmy in there (which my good friend/son Daniel himself named).
You love him, admit it.
I was originally going to do things the har(f)d way by cleaning up myself while Christabella prepared the paints and brushes, but I was assisted by my fellow assassins (? yes assassins, I don't know what was going through my head when I typed this down, but I like it) Ava, Gwendolyn, and Hannah who volunteered to help me clean up the mess.
Thanks guys. Much love, much thanks.
You know you're true friends when you all volunteer to do something like this.
Anyway, I'm getting off track, but that's what makes me interesting, right/ (NO IT ISN'T)
I thought that the jellyfish looked a little dull even after adding a few highlights, so I decided that I would step up my highlighting game like those beauty gurus and highlight to the point it looked like the Sun sat it's buttcheeks onto our painting and fell asleep for five hours. But that's one of the basic steps to make up so yeah (YES THIS IS REAL ADVICE, AND NO I'M NOT JOKING).
Our son looked better, but we still needed to add the rest of the tentacles, so we did that.
Then, after we added A L L of the tentacles to our little boy who comes every Friday morning, I touched it up a bit by watering down one of our dullish red-brown colors and kind of like glossing the top of the Jellyfish so it really gives that transparent feel.
And hear he is, as fresh as the Prince of Bel-Air.
And now, S t i n g r a y s .
But, I'll get to that in the next entry, because I'm actually going to be gone for Kansas. So, at least when I'm gone I'll have something to talk about. But I will miss my magic squad. :,(
D o n ' t f o r g e t a b o u t m e .
Uh, and this, is a very chunky peacock, which is very obvious telling from the glorious tattoo this chunky peacock has. I'm sorry I wish I had more descriptive and useful things to say but at the moment I don't and I feel bad/
And now, we have my side of the paper.
Not going to lie, but I think that animals are one of my biggest artistic weaknesses.
Which was why I was extra on this sketch, because I seriously don't know how to draw animals.
Then on the right side (and under) of my side of this side of this paper, I have concepts of what we're going to paint along with the angle of how we're going to paint the peacock.
[February 8, 2019] "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
Yes, I am in Kansas. And yes, I miss my other half Christenabelair. Let's take a moment of silence due to our separation.
it's ten degrees. I am/
I'm here for my aunt's wedding, and it's actually pretty cool here. (BADUM TSSSSS)
It's pretty much the same as California, except imagine that there are icicles literally everywhere you turn, on your car, on the roof of your house, on your food, and on your forehead because you've been sweating due to the fluffy jacket you're wearing along with the 50 other layers of clothes you're wearing.
So, this will, unfortunately, be a very short post, and I won't be using any pictures because most of the pictures don't really have anything to do with our 20% time project. Okay, so.
S T I N G R A Y S .
So, notice, that on our painting, there's a lot of empty space. It's just two clumps of pinkish clouds, and then a gradient-like sky.
Hey Trent look at the blaND, BLAnk sky (what)
Christabella and I were thinking in order to stay with the like, the aquatic and weird theme of this painting, instead of being boring and adding more clouds, we draw stingrays. At most, like three.
But, you may ask, why stingrays? Okay you're probably not asking that because you don't care, but.
LOOK AT THEM, they're so beautiful. I love them :>
Also, they would make the painting seem more full, because like Mrs Blair said while we were learning our Art History Sponge, "If you've got a canvas, make the most of it". I think she said that, but I'm not going to ask her to confirm it because I'm scared of all my teachers. :,) Anyway. I really like that motto, because I agree. >:)
Which is why, when I return, I know I'll have the time of my life with my squadling twin Christabella when we paint those stingrays.
And to make up my absence here is a series of adorable stingrays which have the power to make you forgive anyone in any situation. Be careful.
A W E !!!
There are the most adorable things I've ever witnessed in my life. I love them, and would protect them with my life if my eczema didn't prevent me from swimming :,(.
Okay anyway bye xd
I will see you back at school. wow
[February 15, 2019] today i bought some rice at sprouts
W o w , l o o k a t t h a t s o m u c h p r o g r e s s !
Also, be prepared, I took a lot of pictures this session of 20% time, and surprisingly, none of it was taken from Christabella. So, credit to myself because I'm so cool. :>
Okay well, so Chirstabella and I decided that the painting was indeed a little too bland and blank at the top, which means the stingrays. I WANT TO SEE MY LITTLE BOY<<
R i g h t /
Well uh, back to stingrays, we chose two pictures of stingrays that we would use as references to our painting, which is down below.
Well, anyway, I'm back from Kansas. Isn't that great? You get to see my beautiful gremlin face from now on. I'm so cool. >:) Okay, back to the actual project because I am already getting off track.
So, we began with our son, who look like the Prince of Bel-Air (mentioned earlier but I'm too lazy to think of any other fresh names).
Look at my majestic face :> jk lol
So, Christabella and I got to work (that sounds super dramatic and like those cooking shows, but don't worry it gets better). While I began sketching the raw scallops stingrays, Christabella begins mixa mixa mixing the paints together so we can immediately begin painting in the stingrays afterward. Fun, right?
My heart beats in anticipation as I gracefully picked up my paintbrush. Sweat began to run down my nonexistent eyebrows (insert Daniel saying stop aggressively), looking at myself, Christabella. She nodded with approval, and my eyes widened while my eyes were widening as they widened. I dipped my paintbrush in the dullish blue, and licked my lips with excitement--
Moving on, can you see our precious little boy?
Now, was the time for me to add our precious little boy's face, which will you get to see in a few moments. Jk you have to read this because I'm so cool, and I like to take up your time by making you read these reflections, which, actually means wasting your time. But, you're kind of having fun, right.
Yeah sure/
I might add more shade to the gills later on, but for now, admire that award-winning smile. :>>>
I already added the highlights to the stingray though, but I might like go full on highlight beauty guru on it like I did with the jellyfish. Depends on how artistic I'm feeling (wow that sounds so w e i r d ?).
Anyways, oh no, history class is ending, I better take some random pictures of my cool squad (also, if you don't like the picture of you in here, I will gladly take it down, just tell me so on here or personally. I don't want to make any of you guys upset :0). Why did I put it in here? I don't know, they've just weirdly contributed to our project by talking to us and making us laugh hysterically for five minutes.
Hannah >:0
Glendora, otherwise known as Glenford
My daugther, but it's also Ava
Your favorite, painted towel (sadly he doesn't have a blog :,0)
And the almighty exemplary Christabella -Daniel
Wow look, the bell has rung, and now it's time for Englis/ just kidding mORE TWENTY TI M E.
Okay so, I also began sketching in the other stingray, which was the one with the sideway view instead of the one where ou could see it's precious face. But don't worry I love this stingray just as much. :)
So Christabella made some more colors for us to use, mostly darker and duller colors, because we're kind of emo. Just kidding, we just want some variations between the two. Was that a subtle way of describing how we're angsty teenagers and we have no other explanations to explain our color choice? Sure.
E x p o s e d .
Here's how our palette looks so far, because yeah.
Christabella wanted a turn in painting, so I let her. I didn't know what to do at first, because Christabella had already mixed the paints for the stingrays. So, I kind of just waited. But then she was finished and I quickly snatched her wig and continued on. :> I LOVE BEING RUDE JK I LOVE YOU CHRISTABELLA.
Here's some pictures of Christabella's progress while strangers from Elmo street photobomb literally all the pictures. Not because I told them too, but shhhs.
Then I decided to take a picture of the painting from Christabella's phone,
which was pretty cool. Can you see the color difference in the lenses? W i l d .
Now, with knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti, I took an actual picture of the painting. You know what, let's watch my favorite part again, shall we?
You can hear this picture.
And there she is, there she goes.
Well, I'll see you guys next week for more progress. And eventually, move onto our new medium for our project. What is it you may ask? I can't tell you until we start it. #Cliffhanger :0
So uh, bonus?
I took more pictures of my friends because I'm kind of stupid but not necessarily.
Just have a low attention span like every other student in existence.
My son, or friend, Daniel
My most favorite person to annoy, Zoe (jk lol no hate).
Probably the only person who manages to win every argument no matter what, Lauren
I know these guys aren't really physically contributing to our paintings, but friends have a really weird influence on what you do. Which is why I always have great ideas because I get it from my funky friends. Was this an explanation because I was lowkey worried that one of the teachers would get upset that I have multiple pictures of my friends on here? Probably.
(Please don't report me :>>)
[February 22, 2019] my ecema is harf ;)))
Omg guys we finished xd * d a b *
We actually finished, and it only took us..
..3 m o n t h s ? m a y b e m o r e / / / /
Well anyway, that doesn't matter because at least we finished and the finished product is good! >:)
We finally finished our sting ray boy, and this is the results of our wonderful boy.
We actually finished, and it only took us..
..3 m o n t h s ? m a y b e m o r e / / / /
Well anyway, that doesn't matter because at least we finished and the finished product is good! >:)
We finally finished our sting ray boy, and this is the results of our wonderful boy.
Isn't he the most wonderful child?
I finally added the last touches to our little stingray children, and went a little out on the highlighting. But not as guru like with the jellyfish.
So with all the pride and joy within us, we let forced Gwendolyn to take a picture of us holding our great little son, Daniel number 55.
Look at us, all professional and smiling for the camera/
Yeah. Professional.
* s w e a t s *
Now that we have finally finished our acrylic painting, we move onto the next stage. Level 2. >:0
O i l P a i nt s .
I've been trying them out for a while, so be prepared for a very long blog post for next week.
This blog doesn't have much, I know, but I will certainly make up for it because I feel bad for not really adding anything. Maybe our cool painting will make up some of the points.
[March 1, 2019] "quick someone say something" "I BE FLOSSIN"
Okay, this is out of topic but.
Daniel dabbed. It is a very revolutionary thing, so I must talk about it. Everyone was encouragingganging up on Daniel to dab, and even Ms. Hefler joined, giving Daniel a step by step tutorial on how to dab. It felt like I was watching James Charles all over again.
Anyway, after Daniel was encouragedforced to dab, he dabbed a few more times after we told him to complained. I'm sorry that we do this to you Daniel but we love you. ("why are there so many asian- oh wait" - andrew 2019)
So today, we actually" tried" out the oil paints I bought from my homeboy Michaels. I brought in red, blue, yellow and white. However, I was actually supposed to bring my brown too so we could try out skin colors for blending purposes, but my forgetfulness overcomes my missions because I'm a teenager.
I quote tried, because we mostly just messed around with it and not really do anything seriously. However, we did come up with the idea of painting an albino peacock, which, I already think would be a neat painting.
Let me provide you with some pictures because nothing screams, "I love blogging" and "don't hurt me, I'm a vlogger (not a shane dawson references)" better than sharing some quality pictures. ;)
You right
Sidenote: I was looking for the acrylics in Ms. Hefler's room and I heard footsteps and a voice approaching the door so I decided to startle whoever this person was until I soon realized it was Ms. Hefler.
I'm so glad I made that decision to stay near the door because I was wheezing so hard and so was Ms. Hefler/
Daniel dabbed. It is a very revolutionary thing, so I must talk about it. Everyone was encouraging
Anyway, after Daniel was encouraged
So today, we actually" tried" out the oil paints I bought from my homeboy Michaels. I brought in red, blue, yellow and white. However, I was actually supposed to bring my brown too so we could try out skin colors for blending purposes, but my forgetfulness overcomes my missions because I'm a teenager.
I quote tried, because we mostly just messed around with it and not really do anything seriously. However, we did come up with the idea of painting an albino peacock, which, I already think would be a neat painting.
Let me provide you with some pictures because nothing screams, "I love blogging" and "don't hurt me, I'm a vlogger (not a shane dawson references)" better than sharing some quality pictures. ;)
Yes, I'm making an entire section just for this picture because I don't want someone to report me on their Roblox server or something like that. Okay, so basically we were trying to make it look like Christabella's finger was "mauled by a bear". Words stated by the famous Hannah Law.
We got some feedback from our friends, some shocked because they thought Christabella bit off her eczema or some not even surprised because it wasn't realistic. And those who said that,
We even got some feedback from Ms. Hefler, and it went something along the lines of her telling us that the edges didn't look real, but the middle was. So we took it as a compliment and continued working on our not-so-realistic bloody finger.
Okay, I'm getting off track, and I should stop.
Back to pictures//
Can you guess who this celebrity is
Both of us messing around and somewhat torturing this paper/
Marked by the wonderful Gwendolyn, a fellow gremlin master.
Yes, another section. I decided I would take a picture of our set of supplies that we always use and will continue to use (besides the medias of course but you already know that) but then soon realized how destroyed and abused our brushes looked.
Then I also realized these were Mrs. Blair's brushes/
And here, we have Christabella, majestically posing
next to the famous hat owned by the Ms. Hefler.
[March 8, 2019] "Jafar Jafar he's our man if he can't do it gREAT"
Wow look, I totally wrote all of this on March 8th, and not on March 24th.
That my friends, is the true form of procrastination.
Okay well, let's get on to the actual purpose of this, which is painting. Yup.
So I forgot to bring my oil paints, which Christabella subtly shaded me for in her blog, so we just sketched down our good son named Daniel the peacock.
Yes, I think you can already confirm by yourself that everything we draw together/paint will be named Daniel.
That my friends, is the true form of procrastination.
Okay well, let's get on to the actual purpose of this, which is painting. Yup.
So I forgot to bring my oil paints, which Christabella subtly shaded me for in her blog, so we just sketched down our good son named Daniel the peacock.
Yes, I think you can already confirm by yourself that everything we draw together/paint will be named Daniel.
Okay, back to peacocks, because that was what I was talking about.
Also, aren't they so precious?
Sidenote, whenevever peacocks are mentioned I just think about Ms. Hefler talking about the nearby peacocks in her neighborhood and I can't help but get excited.
A n y wa y /
Christabella and I made some sketches of our good child peacock/Daniel, which I'm going to insert right now.
Yep, right now.
Y u p /
Also, aren't they so precious?
Sidenote, whenevever peacocks are mentioned I just think about Ms. Hefler talking about the nearby peacocks in her neighborhood and I can't help but get excited.
A n y wa y /
Christabella and I made some sketches of our good child peacock/Daniel, which I'm going to insert right now.
Yep, right now.
Y u p /
So this is Christabella's side of her sketches of Daniel, and can I just say that I really like the fact of how she always shades her drawings? It looks cool and I like it. Yes, these are just practices and concepts of how we will be drawing our peacock, Daniel.
Uh, and this, is a very chunky peacock, which is very obvious telling from the glorious tattoo this chunky peacock has. I'm sorry I wish I had more descriptive and useful things to say but at the moment I don't and I feel bad/
And now, we have my side of the paper.
Not going to lie, but I think that animals are one of my biggest artistic weaknesses.
Which was why I was extra on this sketch, because I seriously don't know how to draw animals.
Then on the right side (and under) of my side of this side of this paper, I have concepts of what we're going to paint along with the angle of how we're going to paint the peacock.
So, because I'm just mildly stupid, and forgot my oil paints, Christabella decided to practice drawing the pattern of the peacock's feather, as I watched with mixed feelings. Anyway, these were the results, and even if it may not look exactly like it, we were using a thin sheet of paper, and we're using a different media.
Because Christabella is more creative than me, she managed to mix colors that were similar to the peacock's feather pattern.
This blog entry was pretty short, so I'm going to add in a small ramble so this entry is longer and it doesn't look like I'm as lazy as everyone knows I am.
To be honest, I think that oil paints are like my new favorite media, and even if they smell like gross fish, take and fifty years to dry, I still like them because they're very pigmented and blendable.
I think my issue with acrylics is how thin it is. Like,,,
I'm only interested in the chunky ones.
I still love you though acrylics (?).
[March 15, 2019] "whOMp WHomP yeAAyEAy"
U h /
We may or may not have done our 20% time project.
We wanted to work on our poetry performance (Ms. Hefler's new assignment), because it was due on Wednesday, and we needed a lot of time for ourselves because of a very big factor:
M gremlin master (who doesn't need to be named because it's obvious who and because I don't wanna do that) got into an injury, so they are currently in crutches(lers).
Trust me, Christabella and I both love 20% time, because not only do we get to semi mess around, we can draw (which we both inhale on a daily), use our phones to take the most random relevant photos needed for our 20% time, and most of all have fun/do what we like.
However, because we need as much as time as we can get, we're going to work on our poetry performance rather than the painting. Which, transition, (aren't I so great at transitioning to other subjects? Yes? I thought so.) am going to talk about.
I know painting takes a while, but I didn't realize that it would take us nearly (literally) 3 months to finish one. And, it's a moderately small canvas size. If you already haven't checked Christabella's blogger, she provided calculations and math I don't want to look at. Also, again, I'm not linking her blog because at the moment i'm always lazy.
Yes, this entry was very short, so I'm going to provide pictures I took afterschool at my house because I feel bad for not providing any pictures.
[March 22, 2019] "YUP"
Okay so today, Christabella and I practiced our painting skills because this time I actually brought my oil paints. Isn't that great? Look at me, being all responsible and actually bringing the supplies.
I will admit, I am myself surprised at my responsibility. Isn't that great? Okay, I need to stop focusing on this great achievement and talk about our greater achievement;
W e C o n t a c t e d O u r M e n t o r : >
But, before we actually talk about our mentor/god Daria Callie, let's discuss what we did and painted.
Because we're uncreative and can't think of much, we just decided to do the most basic practice,,,
Painting an eye.
Y u p /
Anyway, here is what Christabella and I painted on the piece of paper that I snatched from Ms. Hefler.
This is Christabella's practice of an eye, and I really like the way she shaded and layered the paint. It kind of reminds me of those like abstract and impressionist paintings. Yup.
And yes, if you were wondering, those may or may not be lips and cheeks painted on there as well. And no, of course I would not put Daniel's name right under the picture as a caption.
Who do you take me for?
And then these were my practices of an eye. I'm still trying to get used to drawing eyes, because usually I try to avoid them as best as I can (totally not because I'm not good at drawing eyes).
There wasn't any more white at this point, so I wasn't really able to blend the more rough parts on the top and bottom, so it looks kind of like,,, I'm trying to find a word to describe it.
Like, when you see your eczema and you want to put lotion on it but you don't have any lotion.
Yes, I know, I'm very good at analogies.
And now,,,, our email to our mentor.
That was very ominous, but really all we did was kind of like;
"hey sorry for leaving you in the dark for 4 months also we need advice on painting xoxo two gremlins"
Yeah, communication skills? Nah.
Good thing this was an email, because if we were talking to our mentor face to face we'd be doomed. Because eventually, we would say something very weird that would encourage her to call the police.
That was a joke.
I think.
Moving on, this is the email we sent her, and along with it we attached two images. My currently working on oil painting, and our finished product, the acrylic/watercolor painting.
It's probably not legible, but I kind of provided a summarized version in the beginning, so uh.
Y u p .
We haven't gotten a response yet, which kind of scares me, but hey, I think you'd also forget two gremlins that randomly popped into your life and then disappeared four months shortly after. Yes, I just shaded myself and Christabella, but we kind of deserve it/
Well, I'm just going to add in the paintings on the email above so you can get a better look at them.
Maybe when I'm not lazy, I'll talk about my own paintings, but you know me,
...living on the edge (sinCE WHEN???)
Anyway, that's the end of this blog entry, until Ms. Hefler looks at all of our blogs, I'll see you next week (and yes, this was totally not typed on Sunday night the day before both teachers are checking blogger).
Don't forget to smash that like button, share, and subscribe, so you too can become Hilary Duff.
w h a t /
Yes I'm tired okay now leave me alon e// (goodnight)
I will admit, I am myself surprised at my responsibility. Isn't that great? Okay, I need to stop focusing on this great achievement and talk about our greater achievement;
W e C o n t a c t e d O u r M e n t o r : >
But, before we actually talk about our mentor/god Daria Callie, let's discuss what we did and painted.
Because we're uncreative and can't think of much, we just decided to do the most basic practice,,,
Painting an eye.
Y u p /
Anyway, here is what Christabella and I painted on the piece of paper that I snatched from Ms. Hefler.
So, we first laid out all of our paints, which were the basics, red, blue, yellow, white, and brown. Could we just have mixed all the primary colors to get brown? Yes. But did we really want to? Not necessarily. Why? Because yeah.
Also, do you think that says "WOW", or "MOM"? Scientists still do not know the answer to such a question. You can decide for yourself. its most likely mom because this is middle school and a teen's vocabulary consists of emo things and mom jokes
And here folks, we have a very pretentious picture of Christabella gracefully (??) painting while we stuff food in our mouths during lunch. Very pretentious, I must say.
This is Christabella's practice of an eye, and I really like the way she shaded and layered the paint. It kind of reminds me of those like abstract and impressionist paintings. Yup.
And yes, if you were wondering, those may or may not be lips and cheeks painted on there as well. And no, of course I would not put Daniel's name right under the picture as a caption.
Who do you take me for?
And then these were my practices of an eye. I'm still trying to get used to drawing eyes, because usually I try to avoid them as best as I can (totally not because I'm not good at drawing eyes).
There wasn't any more white at this point, so I wasn't really able to blend the more rough parts on the top and bottom, so it looks kind of like,,, I'm trying to find a word to describe it.
Like, when you see your eczema and you want to put lotion on it but you don't have any lotion.
Yes, I know, I'm very good at analogies.
And now,,,, our email to our mentor.
That was very ominous, but really all we did was kind of like;
"hey sorry for leaving you in the dark for 4 months also we need advice on painting xoxo two gremlins"
Yeah, communication skills? Nah.
Good thing this was an email, because if we were talking to our mentor face to face we'd be doomed. Because eventually, we would say something very weird that would encourage her to call the police.
That was a joke.
I think.
Moving on, this is the email we sent her, and along with it we attached two images. My currently working on oil painting, and our finished product, the acrylic/watercolor painting.
We almost forgot that we're also supposed to send the email with Ms. Hefler and Mrs. Crutchfield in it, but good thing we remembered (flashbacks to flashbacks that are flashbacks).
It's probably not legible, but I kind of provided a summarized version in the beginning, so uh.
Y u p .
We haven't gotten a response yet, which kind of scares me, but hey, I think you'd also forget two gremlins that randomly popped into your life and then disappeared four months shortly after. Yes, I just shaded myself and Christabella, but we kind of deserve it/
Well, I'm just going to add in the paintings on the email above so you can get a better look at them.
Awe :0
...living on the edge (sinCE WHEN???)
Anyway, that's the end of this blog entry, until Ms. Hefler looks at all of our blogs, I'll see you next week (and yes, this was totally not typed on Sunday night the day before both teachers are checking blogger).
Don't forget to smash that like button, share, and subscribe, so you too can become Hilary Duff.
w h a t /
Yes I'm tired okay now leave me alon e// (goodnight)
[March 29, 2019] Trader Joe's Rice Drink makes me organic :)
Hello squad, and welcome to today's youtube video, of where I download an app that makes me legally skilled.
Okay, uh, yeah. But you know that feeling when you drill and drain every last drop of fl-
Okay, no one is going to understand that reference unless they were born in 1920s.
...Yeah, I really need to stop before people call the police and send me to a mental asylum. :,,)
A n y w ay .
Today, we began sketching and painting our wonderful peacock named Daniel.
Edit: I wanted to end this blog entry on a better note, since this is basically our last blog entry for Lorbeer. So like, ever.
So instead, I'm going to send you off with a rant, because what's better than a rant?
So I'm deciding on whether or not I should continue the 20% time project, because on one side I want to keep experimentingand having an excuse to buy more paint with new medias. Which is pretty great. I've had a lot of fun, even if we've only completed one painting together so far. I loved the results, so I would like to continue painting during the summer. But I'm also afraid that it'll just drag on, like it'll become a forced thing and I won't actually have fun.
Okay, uh, yeah. But you know that feeling when you drill and drain every last drop of fl-
Okay, no one is going to understand that reference unless they were born in 1920s.
...Yeah, I really need to stop before people call the police and send me to a mental asylum. :,,)
A n y w ay .
Today, we began sketching and painting our wonderful peacock named Daniel.
And here she is, here she goes.
What a beautiful albino child. :>
Wait why did I use she pronouns
First, I used this picture as a reference and quickly sketched it out with a lead pencil.
I then quickly realized how prominent and bold I made the sketch, so that might be a problem since oil paints are extremely... b l e n d a b l e .
Oil paints that I'm currently using.
I don't think I ever actually stopped to appreciate my oil paints for like, longer than 5 seconds, because you know. I have a very,,,, low attention span. But let's take 5 more seconds, to appreciate these abused oil paints. Also, boo to my yellow because it's the only one that's a different brand and I'm not living for this OCD. >:(
But then, your home girl had a plan of what do with the problem that faced her and her twin Christina Aguilera, and she took it, and she... Kind of succeeded?
So, if you haven't noticed, I don't have any black, or any particular dark color besides the burnt sienna and blue. So, I used the pencil lead as an advantage to create a greyish shade to the peacock, which you will see right here.
See that little dark shade of brownish and greyish combination on the side? Yeah, that's called drilling and draining every drop of oil paint. Yeah, I have to stop making these references before people tell me they realized who I was talking about and then I'll have to hide under a rock again.
So for the albino skin of the peacock, I used only some burnt sienna and burnt ember with white to mix well with the lead pencil. Because, how else was I supposed to get rid of the pencil lead? Yeah, that's right.
Then for the beak, I first made a really blinding pink and put it as a base coat. I guess? Then I used darker and lighter variations of that pink color but with some brown to give it that realistic feel to it so it doesn't particularly pop up that much. I wanted to add some depth for the nostril, so what did I do?
I drilled into that nostril and but some shading on that nostril.
Finally, I became the beauty guru I am and polished the beak with some white highlighter. ;)
Christabella began to work on the first layer of feathers of the peacock by trying her best of creating the color green and then slapping some on as the base coat.
I think she should add a more yellowish green though, but I'm sure she will since this of course is the base coat.
I kind of wanted to take this painting home so I could work on it so we'd have more progress since it's almost the end of school, but Christina said not let my temptations get the best of me.
So yeah, I let the painting stay at school. ;)
Alright, see y'all after spring break. thERe's A HunDreD anD FouR dAys iN SuMmeR VacAtiON///
[April 12, 2019] omg im demon xD
W E G O T A R E P L Y F R O M O U R M E N T O R X D ? ? ? ?
Okay, so from my previous blog entry, we sent her an email informing her about our painting progressions after we ghosted worked on our paintings for so long that we forgot to contact her. Which, I didn't know was possible? But anyway, shut up and look at this because I'm happy. :)
: D
Whenever we get a response from our mentor, I can't help but feel a little surprised whenever we go back and read it. To be honest, I thought she would give a lot of criticism to our paintings, but surprisingly, she did not! Which, is pretty great, you have to admit.
Also, I can't help but still get shOoK that she still responds and keeps in contact with us, because uh.
At this point I would think she'd get bored or disappointed with the things we were producing and leave.
But hey, she hasn't left yet, so that's a big accomplishment my friends.
I'm excited to send her more of our progress over time, especially our peacock son Daniel.
"Why are all of your paintings/animals named Daniel," asked Daniel. Eloisa looked at him straight in the eye, and let him know.
N o w .
Onto our peacock, the precious, the great, the amazing Daniel (the peacock, just for emphasis so you know that it's a peacock, even though you already know that it is indeed, a peacock.)
This is really blurry, but it's okay the quality of my pictures will get better. I think.
I'm a little annoyed on how I painted the left part of it though, because of the burnt sienna (orangish brown kind of??) which isn't blending too well. Since the pencil strokes on thhis area of the head are lighter, I wasn't able to achieve the same dullness/realistic feather palette I was hoping for. So I tried to make a darker tone of the burnt sienna, but I decided against it.
That's because, you can always just wait for the paint to dry, cover your mistakes with white paint, and start over. :)
Christabella told me about how she felt bad because of her "poor" painting skills, and how she needed more help, which I can confidently call bul/
Since I did know she was unfamiliar with the media, I decided to give her an example of how to paint the feathers. I'm not good with explaining how to do things step by step in real life, so if I hope Christabella will look at this blog and then see my better explanation on here rather than my poorer version in real life where I actually talk.
I think that you've noticed that I'm beginning to embrace my art side more, and going more into detail on how I do things (along with complaining more, but it's the same thing). I hope it isn't annoying nor does it waste time, but I enjoy talking about how I paint. :,,,)
Okay, a n y wa y ////
So I told Christabella to pay attention to the amount of paint that she uses to mix, because unlike acrylics (that require gallons of paint to fill in just one area), oil paints are extremely pigmented, which means that they are much easier to blend, and can change colors much faster when being mixed.
Except, I obviously didn't tell her that aloud, however, I did instead say "yeah you do that, this, that and then you add a little of this also be careful with that".
Which, translates to what I was stating earlier.
Then, I (in my dreams), told Christabella to pay close attention to the colors in the picture, because the picture doesn't have just the basica (hi peacock colors of green and blue. It also has some browns, reds, and little bits of yellows depending on the lighting of the area and where the peacock is angled at.
So while we were looking at the albino peacock Daniel, I told her if she noticed to brownish and dark blueish color that was emerging at the bottom part of the feather, which was the shadow and the feathers overlapping each other.
Notice the brownish spots with the feathers? YEah, that's right. I hope you do.
And,,, I basically just used my eyesight color skill thing (Eloisa you are very bad at wording things and you can't speak for the life of you) and painted the feather.
I think you know by now that instead of putting all the feathers all at once you'll have to do them individually. Because you know. They take 50 years to dry.
I don't really know if my more detailed art explanations are interesting to you guys, but oh well. I just have to show that I'm actually learning. :,)
I think I am. I think? I probably am, because I'm talking about art more.
I don't know if that makes me boring since I don't go on long tangents. Awe, I wanna go on a tangent now. >:(
[April 19, 2019] I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear UwU
Okay, I'm going to rant about testing for a little because I'm just a little upset and a little tired and just a little part of me wants to leave school because I'm doNE/
I've literally ran our of fuel to continue doing work,,,, like can I just not do anything anymore?
Additionally, like every other kid in the school, I don't remember anything I learned from 7th grade to now. Do I even remember anything from elementary? Well, I do remember how to count. Which is good. I hope that'll help me out during the state test.
Let's just hope.
So Christabella and I didn't do anything significant today, since I was still being petty over the fact that the color scheme between the feathers and other side of the peacock's feathers was a duller and cooler color while the other side was warm.
Christabella found it nice that there was a contrast between warm and cool, but I didn't really want to do that, since I was planning to do that with the background instead.
But since I'm a butthole with short term memory loss, I didn't mention that at all. :,,,)
Maybe if I remember it the next week I will.
But there's a good chance I won't remember, because again,
S h o r t - t e r m M e m o r y L o s s ///
Alright, back to the pictures.
(By the way, if you haven't noticed already I use most of Christabella's images because I'm very stupid and forget to take pictures. And when I actually do,,,, that's a miracle.)
So, recap, here's our albino peacock named Daniel, who I for personal reasons will not be telling you why dANiE L 11!!!!!
Maybe if I remember it the next week I will.
But there's a good chance I won't remember, because again,
S h o r t - t e r m M e m o r y L o s s ///
Alright, back to the pictures.
(By the way, if you haven't noticed already I use most of Christabella's images because I'm very stupid and forget to take pictures. And when I actually do,,,, that's a miracle.)
So, recap, here's our albino peacock named Daniel, who I for personal reasons will not be telling you why dANiE L 11!!!!!
I don't have many pictures, so I'll just draw some pictures to give you the feel of what was happening, instead of actual pictures, because there's barely two. Uh.
Me adding the darkened parts of the feathers
I don't know if you can see it too, but this peacock is starting to look a little like someone I know,,,
Someone that I've met, someone that I've listened to.
OH N O /
Okay that was a joke I'm just trying to say that our peacock is looking a little emo thAT's ALL IM NOT ATTACKING ANYONE'S TASTE IN MUSIC BECAUSE I AM JUST AS EMO BUT I DONT EXPRESS XD LOL11!!!!
I'm trying to blend it in a way where it looks like the darken parts and light parts look natural with each other, but I don't know how to do that.
Anyway, next picture.. :)
Christabella's feathers :)
So Christabella is starting to add in the feathers one by one. I still don't get why she uses her hands though. But hey, every panter's got a preference. I ain't judging. ;)
I think Christabella is going to add in more shading though, which means she'll have to wait for some years.
I kind of want to be more specific on my emotions for the peacock looking emo thing, so I'm gonna do just that.
Comic sans style.
A very aggravated asian
A very emo peacock
A very disappointed asian gremlin
"You don't understand MY pain, peacock. I made you like this. And know I have to live with your emoness."
Yes, I'm very good at expressing myself, you know. Art st yl e .
And that's it for now, so anyway my broskis, I gotta bounce.
Bounce on your okay never mind I regret making that reference bYE/
[April 26, 2019] im tired and testing sucks and i hope you understand
So for our painting today, we made some big progress, because I worked on the lower part of the body while Christabella and I went through the adventures of deciding what we want to do with our painting.
So, here's the image and the produce I ended up with.
So Christabella continued painting the peacock's feathers, while I continued to paint the skin. I was conflicted because I really liked the idea of making like feathers blend together, moving from one hue to another. However, I think that we're all aware that I have to separate the colors, which I don't want to do. >:(
Then, something tragic happened. Christina made the choice of redoing her feathers, and I poorly attempted to convince her not to do it. However, my convincing skills weren't enough, and she erased it.
Now, I started to paint the other white area of the peacock, like a zig zag form. One part white, one part blue, and then continuing the pattern. Christabella continued restarting her feathers. I'm still lowkey conflicted of whether or not I should make the feathers blend together like a gradient, or I should just separate the colors between.
I decided to do both. Which, I don't know if that's possible, but I'm going to do it because at one side I want to blend it, and the other side I still want to keep it realistic. But then again, Christabella and I did just make a painting with a jellyfish and stingrays flying in the sky.
H a h a h a h a .
Small detail, but if you ever have a dream (or nightmare, depends on how you take the picture), it's about the amalgamate of our art projects in Mrs. Blair. It's pretty cool though.
(I'm crediting Christina Calderswan nbecause shed's so grear -Barry Bee Benso)
Okay anyway, I didn't have much to say even though we made some progress, but I'm sure I will have more to rant about in the next entry (aka the last :<) because I need to wait for the paint to dry in order for me to fix all of my mista k e s .
Alrighty then bye/
[May 3, 2019] the famous ms hefler has made her statement that celery is a fruit
Was that just to fill in this blog entry? No. Is this part of the filler? Perhaps. But you have no prove of the sort, so since you have no evidence, I'm going to say that this is actually related to our painting. Yup. :)
Christabella was working on the feathers again, while I was working on the zig zag pattern of the bird's skin. Until, Christabella amazingly added some little specs with her incredible blending skills as well as her good eye tu=ck.
W h at/
Also, to explain what I mean by the title, (even though I never provide an explanation for the titles I make), I basically heard Ms. Hefler talking about whether celery was a fruit or not. I was extremely interested so I decided to write onto my blog.
I swear, I'm a sane person.
Anyway, I caught Christabella blending my oil paints on her knee, and we were all amazed. All fifty us. Which I meant, Hannah, Ava, and myself. I think Christabella was just practicing her blending skills in her own great unique way.
That isn't shade.
Here's a picture of the wild Christabella (aka Barry Bee BENso aka Cloise Cuenaventura #1), who is quite frightened. It was a risk indeed to take such a picture, but it was inDeE d was worth it.
Right, I should probably provide you the picture of Christabella completely painting her knee.
Yes, I did just pull up that picture because it reminded me of Christabella.
I don't know, but I think we can all agree that it's hard to spot the difference between the wild Christabella, aka Cloisa Cuenaventura, aka Asian #1, and the almighty god and savior JAmes Charles wAIT NO STOP Spiderus.
Alright okay uh.
Back to the actual painting, XD.
So here's what we have so far.
I tried to blend it the skin together while creating the zig zag pattern, which isn't very noticeable because I suck.
I added the white paint and tried to imitate the same dullness I did with the top of the peacock's head.
Which, I can't express how annoying that is.
Like, I don't want to keep in all the oil paints there because it'll stink up the classroom. But I need the palette so I can figure out what colors I mixed and what to do.
But I don't want to make the clASSROOM SMELL LIKE FISH ROTTING IN THE GARBAGE ACK????>>>
There's a really light silhouette of the feathers, and Christabella is currently adding the details and practicing the colors.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish my other fifty thousand pages of homework, which include the other fifty thousand pages of baccalaureate homework. :,(
Edit: I wanted to end this blog entry on a better note, since this is basically our last blog entry for Lorbeer. So like, ever.
So instead, I'm going to send you off with a rant, because what's better than a rant?
So I'm deciding on whether or not I should continue the 20% time project, because on one side I want to keep experimenting
But Christabella and I were thinking about it more, and maybe we should continue it.
She could come over to my house and I could come over to her house and work on new paintings with new medias.
So in conclusion, we might just continue this, and not actually end it so soon.
See you :>
Now, THIS is a blog entry! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteDo you have a witness that heard me say celery is a fruit? Celery is a plant, Apium graveolens, of the parsley family, whose leafstalks are eaten raw or cooked. It is not a fruit.